The clinic for Shoulder and Knee Surgery stands for professional excellence in orthopedics and trauma surgery, offering both surgical and non-surgical treatment.


Our high degree of specialization makes for an optimal treatment concept – using state-of-the-art methods and technologies.


The quality of our medical treatment is the result of many years of experience, consistent specialization and keeping abreast of the latest scientific developments.



The Hosptal of Orthopedics, Trauma Surgery and Sports Medicine is situated in the heart of Munich in the historic Bürklein building that is home to the ISAR Klinikum hospital.

Dr. Matthias Hoppert M.D. provides the full range of services around modern shoulder and knee surgery.

The close combination of outpatient and inpatient care under one roof allows top-quality medical treatment within a forward-looking healthcare concept.


Präsentation von Dr. Schöllkopf und Dr. Hoppert beim 7. ICRS Summit in Catania

Vom 25. – 27. September 2024 fand das 7. Summit der International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society (ICRS) in Catania, Sizilien statt.
Die ICRS ist die weltweit führende wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaft in der regenerativen Knorpeltherapie.
Thema des Symposiums war: „From Molecule to Implant: How to get it right?“

Dr. Matthias Hoppert und Dr. Alexandra Schöllkopf präsentierten beim ICRS Summit eine innovative Operationstechnik zur Behandlung von Knorpeldefekten am Schultergelenk:
„Surgical treatment of a GLAD-lesion of the shoulder with ChondroFiller liquid“.

Präsentation von Dr. Schöllkopf und Dr. Hoppert beim 7. ICRS Summit in Catania   Präsentation von Dr. Schöllkopf und Dr. Hoppert beim 7. ICRS Summit in Catania

Mehr dazu:
Surgical Treatment Of A Glad-Lesion Of The Shoulder With ChondroFiller® Liquid